Words Fitly Spoken...

"Wherever you are, be all there. Live to the hilt every situation you believe to be the will of God."

Jim Eliot, Missionary to Ecuador

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Nothing out of the ordinary...

Sunday, October 25, 2009
We began the weekend on Saturday by going to Allegany to hang door hangers. We had twelve dedicated soldiers out on the front lines for God on a cold dreary morning. The sun came out that afternoon and God provided a beautiful day to get work done on the house. My father-in-law came down to paint all of our ceilings for us in the house. My sister-in-law, Jackie, came down with us as well to help paint the door, window, and floor moulding. It was a sad goodbye when they left, but we were grateful for all of their help!
Sunday was another day filled with God's blessings. Nothing out of the ordinary happened, except Cherish Flagg running out of gas with her four kids. The ladies met to talk about the Harvest Dinner - fast approaching! They took forever. I'm so thankful for the percentage who always help out after church is over to clean up.
The Lord blessed us with 39 in attendance. Dexter said that he counted six times to try to find forty, but to no avail! Praise the Lord anyhow!

1 comment:

  1. Was that a shot at how much ladies like to talk? Every detail needs to be thought of, you know. How would you like to go to a church dinner and there were no deserts because no one took the time to plan for them? It would be a travesty!

    I'm so glad things are going well for your church. You're in our prayers!
