Monday, December 28, 2009
A Beautiful Manger Scene...
Sunday, December 27, 2009
The Last Sunday in 2009...
Monday, December 21, 2009
A Christmas Present For Jesus...
We paused after the morning service for a family portrait.
I wish Joey knew how to smile!
I sang, "O Holy Night" during the morning service. I appreciated all the time Mrs. Burrell put into preparation for that song and also the offeratory, which was beautiful.
"A Chili Christmas Party"
The Gildners (left) are a new family in our church and decided to come be a part of our special evening.
We were blessed to have Jackie and Trina Brown with us for a couple of days. Our church members are always delighted when guests come!
Our church is blessed to have such godly folks such as Mr. Potter, the Dornans, and the Fedicks, who have been faithful for many years! Mrs. Ginnery is just a youngster!
It's always good to see the Gerwitz Family at our special occasions. They are Mrs. Burrell's parents and attend the Methodist church in Great Valley.
The best lookin' couple in Cattauraugus County!
I read "The Italian Night Before Christmas"
The highlight of the evening was when we recognized John and Connie Fedick. They have been a tremendous blessing to this church for many years. Their humility of spirit and devotion to our church is something that we just couldn't do without! We presented them with a plaque dedicated to them in sincere heartfelt gratitude from us.
We also took a secret offering in a short time and the generosity of our people once again amazed me! More than $200 were given to be a blessing to this dear couple. They were very surprised and blessed. Many of our folks were crying. We made a large check which was a neat novelty.
Monday, December 7, 2009
Maulucci's visit Humphrey Baptist Church...
We were so glad that they gave us a Sunday evening during their
Harvest Dinner
My wife, Katie, as always, did a wonderful job of decorating and creating an enjoyable atmosphere by the pleasant surroundings.
Everything looked beautiful and well-thoughtout!
Nichole and Autumn were hesitant to get their picture taken, but were very helpful throughout the evening!
It was a blessing to finally meet Pastor Dean, former Pastor of HBC in years gone by. I've heard so many wonderful things about him and his dear wife.
Our fellowship hall was well on it's way to being packed and jammed!
There was a tremendous spirit among our guests!
Linda White and Heidi Good slaving in the kitchen!
My adorable boys and beautiful wife waiting in the loooong line for food!
I spoke for a few minutes and read a poem I had written - "Praising God on an Instrument of Ten Strings" based on Psalm 144:9.
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
It's Beginning to Look a lot Like Christmas...
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Nothing out of the ordinary...
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
God gives the increase...
David is very pleased to hold the door for folks as they carry in their food for the afternoon meal!
Dexter Bartlett is one of our faithful members and serves as head usher!
The Lord filled our nursery and younger age classes today with many children.
Our deacons faithfully count the offering each week wherever they can find a place!
We had a wonderful day on this, our fourth Sunday as Pastor. Bro. Burrell was not feeling well so I led the singing. The Lord blessed us with 43 in attendance. This is a record for us since I have been here as Pastor! Even though we did not see any new visitors from the nearly 2,000 doorhangers, God chose to bring people from another direction - many folks who used to come have been visiting lately. May the Lord help us to meet their needs spiritually, and if it be His will, keep them around! The Lord gives the increase from wherever He sees fit. We just need to continue in obedience to His commands!
Monday, October 12, 2009
Stormin' the Beaches...
She helped gather the chow and oversaw KP.
Young, hungry soldiers!
The battle was intense. The Captain of our team held off the weather and brought out the sunshine! In the end, our soldiers were tired, but managed to plant the Gospel gun in nearly 2,000 doors!
We are so grateful for the help from Heritage. To those nineteen soldiers for Christ, we extend our most sincere thanks! Thank you for giving your day, your time, your energy, and all the expense to come down and be a blessing to us.